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Cycling vs. Running – Which is better for weight loss?

Cycling vs. Running – Which is better for weight loss?

Cycling vs. running - which is better? - is a question many people ask. These simple activities help strengthen your health and have fitness benefits because they can help burn excess fat and lose weight effectively. Moreover, these are two popular and easy activities...

Does exercising on an empty stomach burn more fat?

Does exercising on an empty stomach burn more fat?

Studies show that exercising on an empty stomach can help lose more fat, making it ideal for weight loss. However, there is also an opinion that it is harmful to health. So what's the correct answer? Is exercising on an empty stomach good for weight loss right?...

Taking 4,000 steps a day is the key to longevity

Taking 4,000 steps a day is the key to longevity

A new study found that walking 4.000 steps a day can help reduce the risk of death and increase life expectancy. Just 15 or 30 minutes of walking a day can make it possible to live longer and reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and...

Live longer – How many steps a day do you need?

Live longer – How many steps a day do you need?

Science has proven that walking helps you live longer. So, the health benefits of walking are endless. Research shows that walking can help reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, and weight, prevent illnesses, including cancer, and strengthen your muscles...

15 Unexpected health benefits of walking you need to know

15 Unexpected health benefits of walking you need to know

Everyone knows the benefits of walking. It is one of the most basic forms of exercise, but it can be a great option. Moreover, it doesn't require special physical abilities. We often hear how beneficial walking is for your body, from supporting a healthy immune system...

27 Easy office exercises you can do for great health

27 Easy office exercises you can do for great health

Spending time with office exercises helps you improve your health and reduce the risk of joint pain, obesity, and cardiovascular disease... If too much sitting can increase weight, it also increases the strain on your back, eyes, neck, and other chronic conditions....

Running outside or a treadmill – Which one is great for you?

Running outside or a treadmill – Which one is great for you?

Running outside improves your mood better. But running on a treadmill provides more convenience. There are some benefits and disadvantages between these two to consider before choosing. The difference between running outside vs. a treadmill Benefits of running outside...

Weight loss vs. fat loss: The secret to choosing the best

Weight loss vs. fat loss: The secret to choosing the best

Many people often confuse weight loss vs. fat loss. Both results reduce body weight. But when compared, there is a big difference between them. It has a significant impact on your appearance as well as your health. Difference between weight loss vs. fat loss 1. What...

Squats or planks – Which one is better for weight loss?

Squats or planks – Which one is better for weight loss?

Squats or planks help you build muscle, burn calories, and boost your metabolism effectively. Moreover, you can do it anytime and anywhere without any equipment. So, which one to choose to help lose weight? Squats or planks. Which one burns fat more effectively?...

8 Signs your yoga practice is effective

8 Signs your yoga practice is effective

Yoga is one of the methods that enhance physical and mental health. Yoga poses bring many benefits to overall health. However, have you ever wondered if the poses you are practicing are right or wrong? Therefore, it is essential to evaluate the effect of yoga workouts...

10 Best moves for a stronger core

10 Best moves for a stronger core

A stronger core muscle is a must to keep you safe and less injury in everyday life. The core helps the spine to be stable and firm. In addition, when we perform daily activities, climb stairs, carry heavy items, and even clean up, we all need the activity of this...

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