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7 Unique skills AI will never replace in the workplace

7 Unique skills AI will never replace in the workplace

Do you know what human skills AI will never replace? The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked debates about the possibility of replacing humans in the future. Although AI offers a significant influence and excels in certain tasks, humans still have many...

7 Big career change mistakes to avoid in your 30-40s

7 Big career change mistakes to avoid in your 30-40s

The decision to change jobs should be carefully considered because you will most likely make one of 7 big career change mistakes below. This is the consequence of not thinking thoroughly before making a decision. How to stop making big career change mistakes 1. Top 7...

10 Best job skills – What employers look for in candidates?

10 Best job skills – What employers look for in candidates?

Having the best job skills is the key to opening the door to success for you. Each profession will need specific skill requirements. However, there are some skills that any profession needs to succeed. If you possess essential skills, you will become a potential...

Toxic work environment and 10 tips to protect yourself

Toxic work environment and 10 tips to protect yourself

A toxic work environment includes harassment, bullying, ostracism, and conflicts of interest... which leads to employees feeling tired, pressured, and depressed. Therefore, when the workplace culture is toxic, it will affect your mental and physical health. Warning...

Billionaires list 2024. Who is the world’s richest man?

Billionaires list 2024. Who is the world’s richest man?

Forbes has released its annual World's Billionaires list 2024. There are nearly 2,800 billionaires in the world, up 141 from 2023. According to Forbes surveys, the total wealth of the top 10 richest people in the world is $1.44 trillion. The 2024 list adds 26...

The top 1% of Americans hit a record $45 trillion

The top 1% of Americans hit a record $45 trillion

According to new data from the U.S. Central Bank (Fed), the top 1% of Americans set a record at $44.6 trillion by the end of 2023. The wealth of the top 1% of Americans The assets of the top 1% rose more than $2 trillion, and the entire value of this added asset came...

A well-paid job or a positive work environment

A well-paid job or a positive work environment

A well-paid job or a positive work environment are two important and necessary factors in work. However, each person will have a different career goal. Some people desire a well-paid job, but others choose a positive work environment. Therefore, this depends on the...

Hard work vs. Smart work: Which one is best for success?

Hard work vs. Smart work: Which one is best for success?

Hard work - smart work. Which one do you like? Each has its advantages. However, not everyone works smart and works hard. If you had to choose between working smart and working hard, what would you choose to work? So let's find out which works more efficiently....

Bill Gates with interesting secrets – Family and property

Bill Gates with interesting secrets – Family and property

Bill Gates dropped out of college to become one of the world's richest people. He started from nothing and created a billion-dollar empire. The Story of Bill Gates Family, education, career, and personal life of Bill Gates 1. Family He was born in 1955 to a...

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