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10 Dangers of social media on mental health

April 27, 2024

Huynh Thanh Ngan

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The dangers of social media to people. Are social media dangerous for you? Or are you using it dangerously? Do social media bring all the negative things without any positive things for the community and everyone?

The dangers of social media and how to protect yourself against them

1. What are the dangers of social media?

1.1 The dangers of social media – Your brain does not have time to rest

Many people have the habit of surfing social media whenever they are free, even while busy. This takes you time to relax and rest your brain.

In addition, the harm of social media abuse significantly impacts the quality of your work and life. You may even become so addicted to social media that you can’t focus on doing anything.

1.2 The dangers of social media – Reducing direct communication

Nowadays, we can see many people regularly glued to their phones during meetings with colleagues, friends, or dating. Even when sitting directly opposite, no one talks with each other, just staring at the phone. One of the dangers of social media is that you cannot focus on real life.

Instead of chatting with people around you, many people often use their phones to access social media wherever they are. This will reduce the time and opportunity to interact directly with each other, leading to relationships like friends and family becoming disconnected and distant.

1.3 The dangers of social media – Addiction

One of the dangers of social media for users is physical and psychological addiction. So, social media addiction is a habitual addictive behavior, and it is difficult to detox.

Moreover, the praises, positive comments, and likes on social media as doping doses make you more likely to become addicted. Therefore, the more you want to share everything about yourself online, even sensitive information.

dangers of social media, sự nguy hiểm của mạng xã hội, hot news 4 life

1.4 Jealousy and comparison with others

You have to know that social networks often very rarely show the truth. People and their lives are “designed” very beautifully, flashy, and far from reality. So, don’t let these “virtual” things interrupt your thoughts and joys.

Many people tend to share their flashy lifestyles or flaunt their accomplishments on social media to attract attention or admiration from others. They are faking an expensive lifestyle, such as stunning super yachts, dream mansions, luxury cars, parties, and travel… Therefore, if you regularly see these lifestyles, you will become jealous, desire what others have, and be dissatisfied with yourself. But how do you know how many of their posts are true?

1.5 Negative thoughts

According to psychologists, disinformation is rampant on social media and hardly verified before posting or sharing. Many people cannot tell what news is fake or what is real.

So, frequent exposure to negative flows of information can lead to stress, anxiety, and even pathologies such as anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and paranoid personality disorder. This is considered one of the dangers of social media that we are facing.

1.6 The dangers of social media – Cyberbullying

According to some studies, many bullies make use of social media to insult or hurt others through threatening messages, offensive comments, unfounded rumors, and sexual harassment… Moreover, the victims of cyberbullying frequently struggle with symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation.

Since it is possible to create multiple anonymous accounts, they easily offend and smear others without worrying about getting vengeance. That is why evil is increasingly popular on social networks.

However, you’re not as anonymous on social media as you think. One day, all information about you and your images will also spread throughout the social media. So, think carefully before you do anything.

1.7 Impersonation

Social networks are growing, and hackers are getting more sophisticated. They steal your personal information to create fake profiles and deceive others. So, one of the dangers of social media is that they can get you impersonated at any time.

Cybercriminals have numerous scams. They use email or text messages to trick you into gaining control of your computer or phone. Moreover, they scan to find any documents or files that contain your passwords or information for bank or payment accounts.

dangers of social media cyberbullying, hot news 4 life

1.8 Impact on work productivity

Researchers have proven that social media can negatively impact productivity. Of those who use social media at work in the U.S., 87% said they only access them unconsciously for no specific reason.

In addition, companies that allow employees comfortable access to social media in the workplace will suffer at least a 15% reduction in productivity.

1.9 Physical health problems

In addition to affecting mental health, social media also negatively impact physical health.

A study was conducted with 900 adolescents between 12 and 15 years. The research results show 20% had trouble sleeping, and more than 30% got up late.

In addition, another study of more than 5000 people showed that 63.6% who use social media did not get enough sleep.

1.10 Seek attention

Social networks can make you want to attract as many likes, followers, shares, and comments on your account as possible.

In addition, they contribute to increased rivalry and relentless competition to attract “virtual” likes. Users can fall into a sense of inferiority just because the posts have too few likes.

2. Positive effects of social media

Besides the negative impact, social media brings many positive effects, such as creating connections, sharing knowledge, and improving life skills… In addition, it helps to build, promote, and expand relationships and interact with each other.

In addition, information on social media is also updated quickly. Therefore, you will have access to information in the fastest way. However, it is best to choose reliable information and use social media wisely…

3. How to detox from social media

3.1 Limited time to use social media

The most effective way to stop social media addiction is to reduce the time spent. You should only use social media in your spare time and only interact with friends and relatives. That means limiting connections to unnecessary relationships.

3.2 Turn off notification

The best way to prevent social media addiction is to turn off notifications on your phone or tablet. It will also help you eliminate distractions to focus entirely on your work.

3.3 Put your phone out of sight

A study shows that about 74% of people constantly check their phones for about 15 minutes before bedtime. To keep your phone out of your sight. That means you can skip using the phone if you don’t see it.

3.4 Build real relationships

Do not waste your time and energy sharing information or making “virtual” friends through social networks. You should build and expand real-life relationships by participating in clubs, forums, or physical activities such as yoga or gym…

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