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How to control anger – Does venting make you less angry?

April 16, 2024

Huynh Thanh Ngan

How to control anger, hot news 4 life

How to control anger so as not to affect health and relationships? Many studies have found that venting can help reduce anger. However, in many cases, it can increase anger.

How to control anger immediately: Strategies and tips

What is anger?

Anger emotions are state changes that vary depending on the intensity and extent, from unpleasant emotions to irritability.

When your emotional state changes, it can cause heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure, and some hormone indicators to increase rapidly.

How does anger manifest?

Anger is everyone’s instinct. This is a strong reaction when the brain analyzes something in the form of feeling dissatisfied or dangerous. However, the emotional state of anger is not always bad. It can show your personality or defensive abilities.

Feelings of anger are expressed through actions from low to high, such as quarreling, smashing things, or worse, hurting others or hurting yourself when you can’t control your anger.

The dangers of suppressing emotions

In addition, when angry and unable to express it, suppressing emotions for a long time can negatively impact your physical and mental health. This makes it easy to fall into a state of mental disorder, which can lead to depression.

reduce anger, hot news 4 life

Can venting help you to reduce anger?

When people get angry, they tend to vent their anger by smashing things or yelling at others. Furthermore, some people even build rage rooms. That’s where they can vent their anger by breaking objects. However, some studies show that venting anger with this method is ineffective.

Venting to relieve anger sounds logical, but new researchers indicate that venting will not make you feel better but sometimes make you even more angry.

The goal of anger management and feeling calmer is to reduce physiological arousal. Activities that increase arousal cannot suppress anger, and some activities can even cause an increase in anger, especially running. Even running is not an effective way to relieve anger because it increases feelings of euphoria and ultimately backfires.

So, some researchers analyzed about 10,000 people, including different genders, ages, and races. The results showed that activities that decrease arousal, such as deep breathing, mindfulness, meditation, and yoga… reduce anger more than other activities.

How to control anger effectively

When you understand why you are angry, it means you know where it came from. This will help you control your anger and help you handle work and life situations effectively.

1. Control of breathing

Anger makes you breathe faster and more urgently. It makes you not have enough time to think about the consequences of that action. So breathe slowly and deeply. Practicing abdominal breathing is an effective way of reducing anger.

Also, sit comfortably with your back against the chair, completely relaxing your whole body. Then, inhale deeply through your nose with your belly inflate. Exhale slowly through your mouth, and your belly deflates. Repeating it several times will help you regain your calm.

2. Emotional regulation

An effective way to control anger is to focus on something that makes you happy, peaceful, and comfortable. It can be a date with your lover or friends… keep something positive in your mind. This is one of the ways of helping to reset your mind and moderate your mood.

3. Choosing the right time to talk

If you have conflicts with colleagues, friends, or relatives, you should leave and temporarily stop contacting them. This helps reduce anger as time passes by. Have a frank and respectful discussion when both parties calm down.

control anger and reduce stress, hot news 4 life

4. Physical activities

Gentle physical activity can help relieve stress and anger. Take a walk, bike, or do yoga… it will help you control your emotions.

5. Controlling anger through music and comedy

Change your mood by watching a funny movie or listening to playful music that will make you more comfortable.

6. Lower your ego

When you have a big ego, it can make you selfish and not accept any conflicting views. Even if you get caught up in endless arguments… it makes you do things that you regret. So try to lower your ego and put yourself in people’s shoes to find a solution.

7. No blaming, no complaining, no criticizing

People tend to criticize others but never admit their mistakes. The frequent blame and criticism will create negative energy for you and others.

8. Find out what can cause anger

Ask yourself, “Why am I angry? What makes me angry?” and choose the best solution to prevent it. If you are not sure where your anger comes from. Record daily activities, and express your feelings and thoughts in a diary. This will help you quickly find a reason to regain calm and neutralize anger.

9. Share with others

When you feel calm, open up and share with people you trust. People can also suggest some ways to help you control your anger.

10. Seek help from professionals

Finding ways to control anger can be a difficult challenge for you. In addition, if you have a problem managing your anger or are easily irritated by small behaviors, it may be time to need professional help.

Mental health professionals or psychiatrists will help you deal with your source of anger and find ways to help you balance your emotions.

Benefits of controlling anger

The release of negative energy brings certain benefits. Anger can come from feeling powerless. So, finding ways to relieve anger can help us find our true feelings. In addition, relieving anger helps us safely release negative energy rather than vent anger on someone or cause serious issues.

Anger is a normal emotion that everyone can experience in life. However, if you feel your anger turning into negative expressions, it’s time to find healthy ways to deal with anger. If these tips are not helpful, and you need more effective solutions to deal with anger, or when you find it difficult to control your emotions because of the underlying factors. So, this can be a warning for other serious mental health problems. It’s essential to carry out checks and treatment as soon as possible to reduce the risk.

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