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12 Regrets of the dying. Anything you regret in life?

April 28, 2024

Huynh Thanh Ngan

regrets of the dying before they die, điều hối tiếc của người hấp hối, hot news 4 life

Have you ever wondered what are the biggest regrets of the dying? Throughout our life journey, we will meet many people, do many things, and face many situations. Moreover, for many reasons, some things are delayed, unfulfilled, or you didn’t dare do…

Common regrets of the dying make us reflect on experiences

What does the dying regret the most?

1. Not do what you want to do

At the end of life, most of what we regret is that life is too short. There are different ways to live, so don’t let other people’s opinions influence your decisions. Your life isn’t always what people want.

If you want to do something you love, do it now. Because life is like a journey, if you don’t go all the way, isn’t it a pity?

2. Not spending enough time with loved ones

This is one of the biggest regrets of the dying people. They do not spend time with their loved ones or not seeing their children grow up.

So, take the time to identify what is most important to you. Make informed decisions about your concerns and priorities for family fun events and ensure you don’t miss them.

Spend time with family or friends when you have the chance. Because you never know when it’s too late. So that you will not regret it later.

3. Not the courage to live your dreams

Until the end of life, many people realized that there were too many unfulfilled things.

However, regret is not “do not dare” to fulfill the dream but to blame yourself for not putting all your energy into it.

Every dream and aspiration has no time limit. But if you don’t dare to do it, they will only become unreal things that exist only in your memory and keep making you regret it.

If you think that you can make your dream come true, do not hesitate. With all the boldness, spend your time trying to implement them. Even if the dream cannot come true, you will never regret that you tried your best.

4. Wasting time with negative people

Don’t let negative people into your life. Life always allows us to choose friends around us. So, don’t waste your time with negative people. Free yourself and make your goal to find the best companions with the same thoughts and values… and push you forward.

5. Guilt and past mistakes

People tend to regret and blame themselves for making mistakes. However, we are not saints, and anyone can make mistakes. So, no one lives their whole life without making mistakes.

Instead of tormenting yourself with past mistakes, it’s best to leave them behind and keep moving forward. Never repeat the same mistakes in the future.

6. Overconfident

Sometimes, we may feel arrogant at specific moments. You think you are doing the right things and won’t regret anything you’ve done. Arrogance looks like self-confidence, but it is overconfidence.

In this life, there are always people who are better and think more closely than we are. So, listen to all sides to help you reduce mistakes and regrets.

regrets of the dying at the end of life, hối tiếc lúc cuối đời, hot news 4 life

7. Not to visit your hometown

In every person’s mind, the hometown is the most peaceful place to stop in the harsh world. Many people often tell themselves that they return to their hometown after retirement.

But as the years passed, they were bound by so many things that simple aspirations were either forgotten or impossible to fulfill. More than anything else, they are deeply regretted at the end of their lives.

So, no matter who you are or how far you go, take advantage of visiting your hometown when you can. If you can do that, you’ll have no regrets at the end of your life.

8. You can’t meet someone you want to meet

Too many people pass through our lives, and some of them leave memories of regret etched deep in our hearts.

Remember, human life is finite. So, no matter how busy or how far you go, meet someone you want to meet to confess to them what you hide in your heart.

9. Less express feelings to your loved ones

Many people treat strangers very kindly but less kindly to their relatives. They even treat strangers better than the people they love. Therefore, no matter how close you are, do not be shy or embarrassed to give your family words of “please, thank you, and sorry” or words of love. That’s the best way to maintain affection and never feel regret at the end of life.

10. Not spend more time traveling

Many people mistakenly believe that “traveling” requires a lot of money. Throw away those thoughts. So, pick up your backpack and go anywhere you have never set foot in.

11. Neglecting your body

Many young people are now spending their free time on work and leisure activities… without regard to their health. Don’t wait until you are sick before focusing on your health. It’s time to say goodbye to unhealthy eating, lack of exercise, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, and stress… So, give up these bad habits now to lead a healthier lifestyle.

12. Give up too easily

Even if you are brave enough to take chances in life, you may fail. But giving up easily is what makes you regret the most. When you let the pressure of failures drag you down, you are a total loser. Never give up, and believe in yourself.

Live a meaningful life without regrets

Each person has their own life. Each life has many ways of living. Many people choose for themselves how to happily stand apart from everything. Besides, some others are willing to take risks to pursue their dreams. However, the only result is “Living for yourself is the best way to live.”

No one knows exactly when to die. So, by living your life and for yourself. And no one except yourself can pursue your dreams, desires, and aspirations.

Moreover, to live a fulfilled life with little regret, we focus on ourselves and the things and people that make us happy. If you live up to someone’s expectations and hide your true feelings, regrets can haunt you all your life.

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